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About Us

Established in July 2015, Hangzhou Guochen Robot Technology Co.,Ltd has been working on the research, development, application of core technologies of robot and machine vision. Targeting to build a national level platform of mobile robot, Guochen takes diversified development strategy and has formed a series of intelligent products including Inspection Robot to facilitate people's patrol work, Heavy-loaded AGV to achieve automated transport, Machine Vision Inspection Device to improve production line automation.

At present, Guochen has been awarded National High-tech Enterprise, Provincial Key Enterprise Research Institute, Zhejiang Postdoctoral Workstation, Innovative and Venture Center for Overseas Talents of Hangzhou Xiaoshan District.

方正县| 保定市| 宜城市| 寿光市| 清苑县| 子洲县| 简阳市| 潍坊市| 滨海县| 万盛区| 雷州市| 永新县| 肃宁县| 麻江县| 温泉县| 昌江| 天全县| 巴马| 永宁县| 双城市| 富裕县| 定陶县| 托克托县| 桐庐县| 托克托县| 和田市| 许昌县| 黔西| 建平县| 西昌市| 彰化县| 永康市| 内丘县| 沂南县| 富锦市| 边坝县| 资兴市| 徐汇区| 随州市| 保山市| 永春县|